Monday, January 28, 2013

No-Nonsense Stress Relief (Part 1) | Stress Relief -- by Doc Orman

No-Nonsense Stress Relief Part 1It has been more than 16 months now since this blog was first launched on September 12, 2011.?

During this time span, 216 posts have been created and published here, and this is now my 217th entry.

I thought it might be worthwhile, at this point, to look back and review what value this blog offers to its readers.

Not Your Typical Stress Relief Blog

From the outset, I have strived to present fresh, new insights about stress that are not available on most other stress relief blogs.?? I have stayed absolutely true to the purpose I first announced in my second post (09/14/2011) which you can revisit by clicking the link below:

In short, this blog has been?and will continue to be?based on a new and different way of thinking about stress as a uniquely human experience. If you look back at any of the 216 posts already published here, you will notice that they differ from most other self-help advice about stress in the following key ways:

  • They DON?T try to offer you quick-fix tips or other simplistic to-do?s to help reduce your stress.
  • They DON?T encourage you to exercise, meditate, adopt daily relaxation practices, or use any other traditional stress management techniques.
  • ?Instead, they expose common myths and misconceptions about stress and help you to think about stress more correctly and much more powerfully.
  • They also help you to understand why managing stress is not your best coping option.

It?s All About Causes

The primary reason why managing stress is not your best coping option is because, with only a few exceptions, most stress management strategies are aimed at helping you to control just the symptoms of your stressful problems in life?and that?s as far as they go.? The almost never help you recognize and then deal with the underlying causes of your day-to-day difficulties.

That?s why a stress relief blog such as this is so valuable?and so badly needed.

In many of the 216 previous posts, I have tried to shed light on some of the internal causes of stress in our lives.? Since these internal causes consist of faulty thought patterns and behavior patterns that exist within us, they are often hidden from our view when we attempt to understand what might be causing our stress to occur.

Mostly, we tend to focus on external causes, and this is rub.? This is why we tend to struggle with recurring types of stress in our lives when we actually have the power within us to eliminate most of them.

I?ll have more to say about this natural stress-reducing skill, which we all possess, in my nexxt two new posts for this week.? So please stay tuned.


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