Monday, January 14, 2013

A List Of Effective Eczema Natural Remedies | Health and Fitness

Eczema is a skin problem that a lot of people actually suffer from. Usually, this ailment is caused by internal health problems and allergens that affect the skin. The patient will suffer from red patches that are very itchy, may have pusses, and are extremely difficult to cure. The best possible way to prevent this condition is to use some eczema natural remedies.

Usually, the first thing that a person would do when he has this condition would be to use a steroid or an antibiotic cream to get rid of it. This will definitely cure the affected area right away but it will not heal the main problem. Unless the main issue is dealt with, he will keep on getting red and itchy patches that are hard to heal.

For this reason, people resort to natural treatments so that they can tackle the main issue. A lot of people who cannot take itchiness would use aloe vera cream. Aloe vera cream is a natural anti itch formula that can kill germs. So if one is suffering from severe itchiness, this may help.

Another very good treatment to use would be extra virgin coconut oil. Now one would have the choice to apply it directly on the skin or to drink it up. Both ways will be able to help with his skin. What makes this oil very effective is its main active component called lauric acid which has anti viral properties and promotes smooth and healthy skin.

Apple cider vinegar is also a very well known treatment for this ailment. Vinegar in general has a very strong anti viral component that can kill harmful substances like bacteria or germs. So if one were to put apple cider vinegar on a wound, its acidic properties would work wonders and kill the bacteria in the area which would slowly cure it.

A liver that is unhealthy will also produce skin that is unhealthy and very susceptible to skin allergies. Since the skin is linked to the liver, then cleansing the liver will be able prevent eczema and may even cure it. One can do this by regularly eating green vegetables and garlic which are known to be two of the best liver cleansers in alternative medicine. He may also take chlorella regularly to strengthen his liver and further prevent the outbreak of allergens.

Aside from taking care of the liver, one must also take care of his gut because that is where all the bad bacteria reside. These harmful organisms are actually the main reason why one may have eczema in the first place. So if one would want to get rid of these bacteria, he must take probiotics so that he can replace the bad ones with beneficial bacteria.

Basically, those are some good eczema natural remedies. Do take note that these treatments are not going to work as fast as drugs because they concentrate more on the main problem than just one part. However, if the condition gets to bad, one might want to use a little bit of medicine while using these natural methods.


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