Thursday, December 20, 2012

Possible Re-Introduction!

I am sort of new here! I've been wanting to join a rping site for a while that didn't just involve me and my close friends, so I found this site and apparently I already had an account .-.
So I'm not all that sure if I had an original introduction, but if not, then hello!
My real name is Shayna, but I often go by rred on forums and such, so feel free to call me whichever floats your boat.
A few things about me, I suppose!:
17, female, and have been rping since I was a tyke! I started forum rping when I was around 10 or 11 and fell in love. I still role-play constantly, but my friends' one ongoing rp isn't serious, and the others that are don't last long =/
So that's why I've come here! I have a few rp ideas I've been itching to see come to fruition and I'd like to not be GM for once, heh. Uh . . . I speak a little French, want to be an English teacher, and I really like to write. I think that's it; I suppose if you have any other questions you can ask!


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